Christmas Gift Guide – babies

Shopping for baby’s first Christmas can leave you feeling stumped–especially if it’s your first baby and you just had a baby shower in the last year. My biggest tip for Christmas with babies is that they don’t really need anything extravagant to unwrap that morning. They will most likely enjoy staring at the lights on the tree or sleeping more than anything. My second and third babies were both fall babies so they were so tiny at their first Christmases. I mainly bought them gifts so the older sibling didn’t think Santa forgot the baby 🙂 Here are a few idea for simple toys for baby OR handy gear for you that will look great under the tree! 1. Sophie the Giraffe – Definitely a splurge as far as teething toys go, but such a classic! My babies always enjoyed our Sophie toy. 2. Sit Me Up seat – We only had this for our third baby and it was such a handy seat! He had many meals in it and generally hung out in it often. Great for when they can hold their heads up some but can’t sit well yet and it folds pretty flat! 3. Silicone feeders – We’ve had the mesh and the silicone versions, but these are SO much easier to clean. Perfect gift for a teething baby! I liked to use frozen avocado, banana, strawberries, etc. 4. Soft block set – This is a great little set of blocks! Perfect for babies but will grow with them as well. Sam got these years ago and I liked playing with all the details of each block myself! 5. Halo Sleepsack – It’s a want, a need, something to wear, something to….read to them in! Every baby needs a Halo sleepsack…or five. 6. Tummy time water toy – Henry got this for Christmas last year and LOVED it. It’s so perfect to entertain at tummy time with fun sensory details. 7. Play yard – It packs up as easily as a bag chair! Used as much inside our home and backyard as it was on the go. 8. Baby bath – This was under the tree for Tom’s first Christmas…clearly I am not against a practical item as a gift for tiny babies. They do not need mountains of toys! Get something useful while you can get away with it 🙂 9. Rattle socks – Watching your baby kicking up a storm to make their socks rattle is the best! Great little stocking-stuffer. 10. Moon and Back sleeper – Hanna Andersson’s Amazon line has some really great stuff! The footed sleeper is super soft and washes well. I’d love to hear your ideas for great baby Christmas gifts in the comments! Happy shopping! You may also like: