
kicking off summer

I have hardly had time to blog this month thanks to all the fun and activity that comes along with the kick off of summer!

We started off with a crawfish boil weekend and the boys had a blast. Tom stared at me so seriously when I showed him what a crawfish was and said “do NOT eat dat animohl!” I love how he says animal, it’s a commonly used word for Tom Tom.

Then Travis and I were lucky enough to be able to jet off for a long weekend in Key West– thanks to an incentive trip he won through work. Neither of us had been and I have to recommend it!

We loved all the open air patios with live music and the overall New Orleans vibe. It was vibrant but still felt small enough to get to know well.

I even went snorkeling! If you know me you know I have an intense irrational fear of fish so this was really something. We were in a very clear shallow area filled with 90-100 year old sponges and small bright fish. I lasted about 8 minutes, but I’m so glad I did it.

Mainly we just relaxed and I read two whole books! I had more free time in a weekend than I do most months.

We got back into just in time to kick off t-ball! Sam’s first organized sport has been adorable to watch so far. Sure, his glove spends more time on his head than on his hand and he took more Gatorade breaks than swings at the tee. BUT I know it won’t always just be 4 year old fun and games. We are soaking it up! 

School ended with water day, bike day, messy day, picnic day! Whew! And now it’s officially summertime!

We got to attend my grandma’s 90th birthday party and a wedding out of town this weekend with the boys. They loved the festivities. It was double the cake and a night up wayyy past bedtime dancing!

Friday we were gifted the most fun family gift—all the supplies needed to make homemade ice cream! We can’t wait to try it out. I have two little boys giving me lists of flavors they want to try faster than I can google recipes. Perfect for summertime!

In addition to just being a busy family this month, I have started focusing more time on freelance writing! This is probably why my own little blog hasn’t seen many posts these days…oops!

Even though freelance writing isn’t directly related to this blog, I am going to consider all my night time writing/blogging/freelance work as one big side hustle. One where I’m finally seeing some income! I plan to start a steady “income report” segment of the blog.

I know many of my friends and family (a huge portion of my readers—thank you!!) aren’t especially interested in that side of things. But I have slowly made a network of blogging friends and income reports are one of my favorite things to read from other bloggers. I’ve decided to join in!

If you are intrigued or interested in starting your own blog for a side income—stay tuned for that next post and the ones in the months to follow.

Until then, I hope everyone is enjoying the start to their summer!

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