Baby ZZZ's

Babywise with a Five Week Old

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Although Henry is a pretty good-natured baby, I do believe we experienced the first Wonder Week! Yes, I’m going to recommend another baby book.

The Wonder Weeks is really an interesting read that helps you understand how babies process developmental leaps at once, sort of like a brain growth spurt! There are 10 leaps during the first year alone and the very first leap takes place around week 5.

Henry showed some classic signs that the book suggests like extra crankiness, clingyness, and crying or “the three c’s”. This often times seems to come up when you feel like you’ve really hit your stride. In week five I know I said out loud several times “he’s never like this” or “he never misses that nap!”

I really should know…never say never! Especially when it comes to babies.

Anyway, the neat thing about the wonder weeks is that they emerge with a new set of “skills”. Some that you may see at this stage (after emerging from the fussy week) are grabbing, being more aware of sights and sounds, being more alert, and social smiles.

Henry hasn’t given us a social smile yet but for a few days I’ve felt close. He has definitely started the grabbing of my hair and clothes. I also have noticed the alertness and am slowly extending wake time from 45 mins to 1 hour.

The Wonder Weeks isn’t a guide to baby sleep but I think it’s a helpful tool to use alongside Babywise or any sleep routine.

Here is week five:


Sam did give us a very clear social smile during his 5th week of life. I gushed all about it on Instagram 🙂

I was using Babywise but don’t have the notes. I do know we moved him into his room and little did we know we did it during a Wonder Week of fussiness, ha! He did pretty good in his crib but he definitely missed the incline of that Rock n Play.

I started reading the Wonder Weeks soon after that first leap.


This is my last week of notes for Tom! I have no idea why I stopped because he didn’t sleep through the night for several more weeks. His days are super consistent in the notes I have. He naps like clockwork with only a few mentions of rocky naps here and there.

He eats at 7/10/1/4/7ish/10:30. And here is when he woke during the night to eat:

5 weeks and 1 day: woke at 2:00 and 6:00

5 weeks and 2 days: woke at 2:15, 5:15, and 6:30

5 weeks and 3 days: woke at 2:00, 4:30, and 6:45

5 weeks and 4 days: woke at 2:30 and 5:15 then we woke at 7:15

5 weeks 5 days: woke at 1:45, 2:45 and 6:15 (yikes, no wonder this was my last night of notes, ha!)

I think we saw the results of Zantac this week and he emerged from the Wonder Week and then we got super into holiday mode (this is a week before Thanksgiving week). The good news is we stayed the course and he was sleeping through the night (8 hours) by early Dec.


Although Henry was fussy and needed lots of snuggles before going down for naps this week, he still slept great at night.

We are doing bottles at 7:00/10:00/1:00/4:00/occasional cluster feed/7:15/10:30.

Here is when he woke in the night to eat:

5 weeks and 1 day: woke at 2:30 and 6:00 (soothed til 6:30)

5 weeks and 2 days: woke at 3:45 and 7:00

5 weeks and 3 days: woke at 2:30 and 6:30

5 weeks and 4 days: woke at 1:00, 4:00 and 7:15 (we missed dream feed again!)

5 weeks 5 days: woke at 2:30 and 6:30

5 weeks 6 days: woke at 4:30 and 7:15

I am loving these new longer stretches! I have had many 6 hour snoozes even without going to bed before 10:00. Let’s hope he keeps it up 🙂

Check out this post for links to each week.

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