
Henry’s Very Hungry Caterpillar Party

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I’m still getting over the shock of my youngest baby turning one!

If possible, his first year of life seemed to be even faster than his brothers’ first years. Maybe because we are busier now than ever having three. Maybe because I know he is our last baby.

Either way…it happened. Henry James turned one and we had a backyard birthday celebration for our sweet guy.

Henry is such a smiley baby who is truly almost always happy and has a wonderful easy going personality. He is a typical “go with the flow” third child, for sure.

Just about the only thing that bothers him is if you don’t feed him fast enough. So his love for food, along with loving Eric Carle books, led me to the Very Hungry Caterpillar theme for his party!

It was a pretty relaxed party and I didn’t go “all out” with the theme. The only thing that was full on-theme was the menu. I decided to serve every food item from the book!

All I did here was print off images from the book onto regular computer paper and tape them onto toothpicks for labels. Easy peasy!

This was fun to prepare and, I’ll be honest, I had never purchased or tasted a plum my whole life.

Sort of related to the Caterpillar theme I went with hidden bugs in the backyard with these fun play bugs and bug catcher kit party favors (dollar tree for the win).

Most of the kids just had fun running around the yard playing in the clubhouse while Henry enjoyed chocolate cake. It was a great afternoon.

Here are pictures from the big day!

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