Easy Halloween Bark
My kids love baking with me, but I’ll admit I don’t always love the process myself. I do it, but having to clean up the mixer and bowls, dealing with little boys who are impatient about letting items bake and cool, and the pain of making royal icing….we’ll just say we go with slice and bake pretty often.
Bark is one of those really easy things to make (and it’s not even technically baking) that your kids can be super hands on with. From helping stir chocolate while it melts to tossing on any and all fun toppings, to breaking it up into snack sized pieces– Halloween bark really is both a kid and mom friendly treat.

How to:
All you need is melting chocolate (I’ve used both the break away squares and the wafers) and topping of your choice! Start by melting down chocolate in a double boiler or even the microwave. Follow package directions, because microwaving needs to be done in short bursts and stirred in between.
Kids can help stir or work on getting their toppings ready! Now is the time to add in any food coloring if you want.
Next up pour the melted chocolate out onto a foil lined cookie sheet and go crazy adding anything you want! We used googly eyes, mini M&Ms, sprinkles, and candy corn.

You can even create little mummies! We just drizzled chocolate all over and added candy eyes. These were definitely my boys’ favorite last year–so I’m sure we’ll be making them again soon.

Let your creation cool in the refrigerator for around 30 minutes then break it up and enjoy these easy, cute treats. The sky is the limit with it comes to candy toppings.

This can easily be modified for any season or holiday. I had plans for cute St. Patrick’s Day bark with rainbow marshmallows but didn’t get around to it this spring. Maybe we’ll be back with Thanksgiving and Christmas Bark ideas!
For more Halloween check out: “Foaming” Pumpkin Experiment • Mid Century Mom (midcenturymomblog.com)