Finger Coiling Results on Wavy Hair
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Once learning the ins and outs of the Curly Girl Method, I’ve stopped trying new things and got stuck in a bit of a rut. I knew my hair was healthier and I was using safer products, but I decided to go back to testing out different techniques. Would finger coiling my wavy hair give me new results?
Lately I’ve been using my same go-to products but I went back to highlighting my hair and that has led back to frizzier waves. While I have tried finger coiling a few times before, it has never been a go-to of mine. Now with my waves being less defined I gave it a go for more defined, frizz free hair.
Read on to see how I finger coil my wavy hair and see the results
Due to the highlighting over the past few months this before look is pretty typical. Not a lot of definition and more frizzy than I’d like. I also haven’t been taking as much time to deep condition.

Now for my attempt to tell you how to finger coil
After rinsing out conditioner I turn off the water, comb out my hair with an in shower comb, and then using praying hands application with my favorite curl activator cream. I do this while in the shower because I’ll need that water one more time.
Once the cream is evenly distributed I turn the water on once more to make my hair fall into smooth curl clumps, like this:

Next you’ll want to divide. I start at the very top and try to divide these up evenly. Then using one finger I just twist/coil each strand. Just in the way you might twirl you hair out of habit when board.
Once you do that to each strand (takes probably 5-7 minutes for all my hair) you will want to carefully scrunch these twisted strands to get rid of the weight of all that water. Mine look like the photo below this at this point. (This isn’t a the best example since a few of those clumps aren’t smooth, but you get the idea. Be careful with your hair here because too much curl clump disturbance when wet is just frizz when dry.)

Honestly my wet curl clumps really don’t look that different when I finger coil verses just scrunching alone, but once my hair is dry there is a clear difference in definition. From what I’ve seen, this technique is most commonly used on very curly hair but I think it still worked really well on my wavy hair and I’ll definitely be trying this more often!

So now you know you can get results finger coiling wavy hair. Let me know about your results with finger coiling in the comments!