4th of July clubhouse
Now that the DIY modern clubhouse has become a staple in the backyard, I am enjoying decorating a little here and there. If you think adding some American flags this summer and pumpkins…
DIY Modern Clubhouse
After spending a year researching how to build a DIY clubhouse/playhouse, we did it! I knew we wanted something for the kids to play on in the backyard and a DIY clubhouse fit…
zipper bedding dreams
Since we are expecting another baby this fall we have plans to move Tom into Sam’s room in early summer. I want him to have a few months to adjust to his new…
superhero and donut valentines – free printabes
Since becoming a parent, one of my favorite things is making the little class Valentines to send to school. It’s one of the few times a year I feel like I can pull…
tidying up takeover
Netflix hit the nail on the head for a lot of us by airing Marie Kondo’s series on January 1. Before I even heard about it, I (along with tons of other people…
taco night basket
Our family has always loved taco night. It is easy comfort food at our house and I feel good making it because it’s not from a box or a freezer. I am not…
Santa Stationery
What a week! I haven’t blogged lately because I have a case of the Christmas crazies and, like many of you, am just trying to prep for the big day. If you don’t…
the playhouse begins
The playhouse ground breaking has begun! I know…normal people do not opt to start massive outdoor projects in the middle of (an especially cold) November. But, here we are. You see, Santa really…