Babywise with a Two Week Old
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I would like to start this post with the most cliche new parent phrase ever.
Time is officially flying by.
But the days/nights are long. Isn’t that so true?
I always read those quotes about how the years are fast but the days are long and think nothing could be truer. It makes me tear up (okay sob) these days as I am sleepily scrolling through Facebook and read something to that effect. Seriously crazy hormones, BE GONE.
Henry turned three weeks old on Tuesday of this week so I am going to go back and share how everything went on the baby sleep front when he was a 2 week old.
He changed a lot that week! I have enjoyed his extra alertness but I also miss that super sleepy newborn too. It has been a goal of mine to leave the TV off more during maternity leave (some days–some days I am a couch potato–it’s all about balance, right?)
So we have spent a lot of time listening to music and dancing/walking around looking out the windows. He seems to love it. So far I am in a major music rut and at this rate Henry’s first words are going to be straight from Adele…
Once again I really enjoyed going back to find pics of all my babies at 2 weeks old I am going to continue including each kid even if I have no Babywise notes from that week because I love the pictures.

I didn’t have a great shot of just Sam this week but I thought this one was appropriate because we were ALL ABOUT a bedtime routine with tiny Sam. This was week two AKA the week I read and implemented Babywise.
He was still sleeping in our room but we would go into his room each night after bath time and read a book before feeding. We’ve read to all the kids but I’m telling you we did not miss a single night with Sam.
I remember going to the lake once with him when he was about 6 months old and packing multiple books because it would have never occurred to me to skip story time ever, ha! Enter being a mom of 3…
Really we still read before bed 98% of the time because I like it as much as they do.

Week two with Tom brought the move to his crib. This photo I found was captioned “sleeping so peacefully, unless of course I move my hand!” I remember we had just started “shushing” and “patting” to soothe if he woke from a nap. Looks like he grabbed on during this “pat” 🙂
Here are my notes. We were shooting for that 3 hour ish schedule of 7-10-1-4-7:30 with an added evening cluster feed and a dream feed.
2 weeks – ate 6:15, 8:15, 11:00, 2:00, 4:30, 7:30, 8:45, 10:45 then when he woke at 1:45 and 4:45 then we woke him at 7:00. No nap notes other than he was fussy in the morning.
2 weeks 1 day – ate 7:00, 9:30, 12:15, 3:15, 5:30, 7:30, 10:30 and when he woke at 3:00. He woke on his own right at 7:00. Notes say he took the mid day and afternoon nap great in his rock n play. We put down for bed in his crib for the first time but he woke up mad an hour later.
2 weeks 2 days – ate 7:00, 9:30, 12:45, 4:00, 6:00, 7:30, 10:30 and then when he woke at 2:20. He slept til 6:45. Notes say he missed the morning nap, did great for mid day nap, and preferred being held for the afternoon nap. Rocked bedtime in the crib.
2 weeks 3 days – ate 6:45, 10:00, 12:45, 4:00, 6:15, 7:45, 10:40 and when he woke at 2:30. He slept til 7:00 and notes say he took great naps but all in his rock n play.
2 weeks 4 days – ate 7:00, 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 6:20, 7:45 0:45 and when he woke at 2:45. He slept til 6:45. Notes say decent naps but one good one…while daddy held him 🙂
2 weeks 5 days – ate 7:00, 10:00, 1:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:30, 10:40 and when he woke at 2:30. He slept til 6:30. This day he took almost all of his naps in a carseat…we must have been on the go! It was Halloween!
2 weeks 6 days – ate 6:45, 10:00, 12:45, 4:00, 6:00, 7:45, 10:45 and when he woke at 3:40. He slept til 7:00. He took naps in his crib this day and did well.

While it seems Tom moved from two wakings to one during this week, Henry moved from one waking to two. I think there is a growth spurt around 2-3 weeks and Henry reached it!
I will say he didn’t do his fussy mornings much this week. We found a 45 min wake time worked well and he took morning naps for the first time.
We are going for feedings at 7-10-1-4-7 ish with an added evening cluster feed when he wants it and a dream feed.
2 weeks – ate 7:15, 10:00, 1:00, 3:30, 6:00, 7:15, 10:30 and when he woke at 2:30. I woke him up at 7:00. Notes say great naps in crib for the first two and then very fussy and missed the afternoon nap. Also he went to his first Cotton Carnival!
2 weeks 1 day – at 7:00, 9:50, 1:00, 4:00, 5:30, 7:00, 10:30 and when he woke at 2:40 and 5:50. Since that last waking was too early to start the day but too late for a feed before 7:00 I offered the paci and he took it and snoozed again til 6:30. If he hadn’t, I would have fed him of course.
2 weeks 2 days – ate 6:30, 9:45, 12:45, 4:00, 5:50, 7:00, 10:30 and when he woke at 2:30 and 5:45. This time paci was not at all a fix. So I fed him at 5:45 and put him back down like it was a middle of night feeding. Then I woke him at 7:40 to start the day (see next day I sort of move feedings to get back on track).
2 weeks 3 days – ate 7:40, 10:20, 1:00, 4:00, 6:00, 7:00, 9:45 (he woke before dream feed–hungry boy!) and then when he woke at 1:00 and 4:40. Woke him at 7:30 to start the day. Notes say he napped well, one nap being during the Cotton Carnival Parade–apparently horns and marching bands make for lovely background noise.
2 weeks 4 days – ate 7:30, 10:00, 12:50, 4:00, 5:45, 7:05, 10:30 and when he woke at 2:20 and 5:30. I treated 5:30 like a middle of the night feeding instead of morning. I woke him at 7:30 to start the day. He took great naps this day, laid down happy and awake but sleepy in crib each time.
2 weeks 5 days – ate 7:30, 10:10, 1:00, 4:00, 5:35, 7:00, 10:30 and when he woke at 2:15 and 5:15. Woke on his own at 7:15. Good naps with the 45 min wake time goal!
2 weeks 6 days – Ate 7:15, 10:00, 12:50, 4:00, 5:45, 7:05, 10:45 and when he woke at 2:00 and 5:00. Woke him to start the day at 7:30. Two good naps and one missed nap in the afternoon–I was able to get him to snooze off and on in my arms and with some paci help.
I can’t say I am preferring these 2 feeds verses 1 but overall Henry is a good eater and sleeper–I can’t complain! He just has been one hungry baby lately. His bottles are up to 4oz and he finishes it all often!
Stay tuned for another week of updates. Please feel free to Pin this if you want to refer back to it. I hope it can be helpful in showing you that we don’t have “perfect” days or nights. Babies are unpredictable and overnight sleep doesn’t come magically because I read some book.
It’s all a process and one that has worked well before. Time will tell if it works well for our Henry!
Go here for links to each week.