Start a Blog

January 2019 Blog Income Report

Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I can earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.

Okay I know it’s May…but January was the start of seeing my work pay off so I am going back some to start my income report series.

As some of you may know, I started this blog in the spring of 2018 and was fairly dedicated for all of….2 months.

When I learned that blogging can be hard work and when I didn’t get on officially with Amazon Associates and summer hit, I just stopped!

In October 2018 I got back to it and decided I should see it through the first year. This felt like a good call considering I had paid for my domain and hosting for a year.

It definitely took a few months to get going again, but I did finally see that little light at the end of the tunnel at the end of January 2019—some side hustle income!

I’ve decided to start sharing monthly blog income reports mainly because of just how often I read them myself. I spend way too much time reading them, really. And it’s a little weird posting about your blog income for the world, but I think it can be helpful to others who are on the fence and it’s a great way to look back at how far you have come.

If you are familiar with reading blog income reports you can go ahead and prepare yourselves to be super underwhelmed by this number! I have read my fair share of six figure mom blog income reports…but this income still made me pretty happy!

January 2019 Blog Income:

Affiliate income – $14.69

That was for the combined months of Oct-Nov-Dec. I finally hit the $10 min payout!

I know what you may be thinking. How is an average of less than $5 a month even worth typing up?!

Well, it has grown each month since then, and I had to start somewhere with my income report series!

Maybe one day I can blog about how I went from making $14.69 a month to $1469+ a month in just a year’s time, like so many mom bloggers I follow can claim.

It’s worth a shot, at least. Not only do I enjoy writing, but I also enjoy leaving a sort of scrap book behind of our family adventures and our little DIY projects and the evolution of our house.

At the very least I’ve always wanted to work towards this blog paying for itself.

If you have ever had the notion that you wanted to start a blog as your side hustle, you have to be self- hosted! I have blogged before on free blogs and unfortunately there is no way to monetize them.

So do yourself a favor and look into Bluehost with my special discount code by clicking here: They have been excellent to work with and I renewed with them for another year of blogging this spring!

Now if you’re curious about the next month, check out my February 2019 Blog Income Report.

Thanks for reading!

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