Baby ZZZ's

Babywise with a Seven Week Old

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Since I rambled on quite a while on the post about six week old sleep, I am keeping this one short.

The main thing about week 7 for Henry was that I did not think better sleep was coming soon. BUT, he is now 8 weeks old and he has slept 8.5 hours straight the last three nights and it surprised me.

So, whether you are doing Babywise, another sleep routine method, or just going with the flow….a long stretch of sleep probably just happens one night and it’s always a happy little surprise.

I only have notes for Henry this week but still really enjoy finding pictures of them every week for comparison!


I was back to work and his sleep was good but not 8 hours consistently yet, even though he gave us that little teaser the week before. We have memories of 4:30 wake up calls while we took turns trying to get ready for work.


I wish I hadn’t quit documenting his sleep at 5 weeks! When Tom was a 7 week old, social media tells me were busy getting the Christmas tree up, seeing Santa, and I was heading back to work.

I have no idea how he was sleeping though 🙁 I just know his first 8 hour stretch comes up at 8 weeks old!


Henry was awesome during the day during his time as a 7 week old. He began taking naps so happily I would just lay him down, sing a song, and leave the room with no protest. (He came back with a wonder week this week at 8 weeks old and has had rocky naps.)

Here is when he woke at night:

(the first few days of the week was still that nasty cold with some weird nights so I didn’t even write it down)

7 weeks 3 days: woke at 2:45 and 6:50

7 weeks 4 days: woke 1:15 and 4:00 and 7:00

7 weeks 5 days: woke 4:00 and 7:00

7 weeks 6 days: woke 3:30 and 7:00

Thanks for following along, friends!

If any of you have Pinterest Boards for baby stuff please consider Pinning these posts. I chose to blog about baby sleep because I find it interesting AND because it will help grow my blog. So share away if you feel like it, it helps me out a ton!

Go here for links to each week!

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